Research Articles
Identifying Cognitive Impairment in the Acute Care Hospital Setting: Finding an Appropriate Screening Tool
This study tested and compared the psychometrics and feasibility of three cognitive screens and concludes that each tool demonstrated acceptable reliability and construct validity in acute care hospitals, with the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care “6-Clicks” Applied Cognitive Inpatient Short Form (AM-PAC ACISF) overall having the optimum mix of performance and feasibility.
A Pilot Study for Remote Evaluation of Upper Extremity Motor Function After Stroke: The Arm Capacity and Movement Test (ArmCAM)
Precis (for TOC): The Arm Capacity and Movement Test (ArmCAM) is a psychometrically sound instrument that has good reliability and validity and can be easily administered remotely by means of videoconferencing to evaluate upper extremity motor function after stroke.
Predicting Fitness to Drive for Medically At-Risk Drivers Using Touchscreen DriveSafe DriveAware
Evidence supports the utility of the touchscreen DriveSafe DriveAware (DSDA) for occupational therapists to use in conjunction with other clinical indicators to determine accurately whether drivers require further assessment.
Uncovering the Obstacles—A Typology of Environmental and Contextual Factors Affecting Occupational Participation: A Scoping Review
This scoping review provides occupational therapy practitioners with comprehensive terminology to identify, assess, intervene with, and research environmental and contextual factors that affect participation and participation choices of individuals, groups, and populations.
Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) Tactile Perception Tests: Construct Validity and Internal Reliability
The Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) Tactile Perception Tests are reliable and valid measures and can be used by therapists trained in their administration to assess tactile functions in children that may affect participation in activities, tasks, and occupations.
Using Practice-Based Inquiry to Enact Occupation-Centered, Justice-Oriented Practice in an Acute Mental Health Setting
This research describes the use of practice-based inquiry by occupational therapy practitioners to facilitate the reconceptualization and redesign of occupational therapy services to address barriers often encountered in acute mental health practice and to enact occupation-centered and justice-focused practice.
Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Revised Low Vision Independence Measure (LVIM–R)
The Turkish version of the Revised Low Vision Independence Measure (LVIM–R) is a valid and reliable assessment tool for occupational therapy practice in low vision rehabilitation.
Parents as Adult Learners in Occupational Therapy for Children With Sensory Challenges: A Scoping Review
The results of this scoping review identify the limited extent to which adult learning needs are considered in occupational therapy literature, specifically for parents of children with sensory processing and sensory integration (SP–SI) challenges, and point to the need for further investigation of parents’ learning needs in relation to occupational therapy intervention.
Dual-Tasking in Daily Activities Among Adults With and Without Stroke
The results of this study demonstrate that the initiation of dual-tasking is curtailed in the nondominant and paretic upper extremities in the context of the performance of activities of daily living (ADLs) among adults with and without stroke, which may reflect a demand on neural resources that is exceeded when these limbs are used.
Attentional Engagement During Mobile Application Skill Learning Among Patients With Memory Impairment: A Case Series Exploration
The results of this study indicate that patients undergoing memory rehabilitation may benefit from methods to enhance attentional engagement during mobile application skill learning when executive dysfunction is a considerable element of their cognitive profile.
Evidence for Implementing Tiered Approaches in School-Based Occupational Therapy in Elementary Schools: A Scoping Review
This scoping review provides evidence to support occupational therapists’ professional reasoning in developing evidence-based, contextual, and educationally relevant multitiered models of intervention in school-based occupational therapy (SBOT) in elementary schools.
A Magic Trick Training Program to Improve Social Skills and Self-Esteem in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who participate in a virtual magic trick training program (MTTP) through individual coaching from occupational therapy students or practitioners can experience enhanced social skills and self-esteem.
Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) for Older Adults After a Hip Fracture: A Pilot Study
A task-oriented, home-based Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational PerformanceTM (CO-OP) intervention can be effective in helping older adults return home successfully after a hip fracture.
Feasibility of Problem-Solving Training During Inpatient Rehabilitation in Patients With Stroke
Problem-Solving Training (PST) during inpatient rehabilitation is feasible and the results of this study suggest that patients with stroke may have the ability to identify problems, set goals, and develop plans to accomplish goals.
Occupational Balance Among Parents of Typically Developing Children and Parents of Children With Disabilities
Occupational therapists working with families of young children may find it helpful to assess occupational balance (OB) and address OB-related issues to facilitate better family quality of life (FQOL).
Navigating Ethical Tensions When Working to Address Social Inequities
This study explores the types of ethical tensions occupational therapists experience when addressing social inequities and provides insights into how such tensions are managed.
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Computer-Aided Measure of Chinese Handwriting Legibility (CAM-CHL) for School-Age Children
This study supports the use of the Computer-Aided Measure of Chinese Handwriting Legibility (CAM-CHL) as an outcome measure with acceptable psychometrics for the comprehensive evaluation of the handwriting legibility of school-age children.
Interventions for Caregivers of People Who Have Had a Stroke: A Systematic Review
This systematic review explores evidence for the effectiveness of interventions within the scope of occupational therapy practice for caregivers of people poststroke and concludes that addressing caregiver needs with problem-solving and support in addition to typical education and training is essential.
Columns: Brief Report
Older Adults Receiving Rehabilitation Services Are More Likely to Get Bathing and Toileting Equipment Installed
In the current health care system, a minority of older adults in need have adaptive equipment installed within a year. Rehabilitation providers play a major role in helping older adults modify their home environment to maximize function and reduce disability.
Evidence-Based Practice: Evidence Connection
Occupational Therapy to Improve Activities of Daily Living of People With Parkinson’s Disease
This Evidence Connection article presents a case study of an older adult with Parkinson’s disease and discusses suggested evaluation tools and intervention strategies that might be used as part of a client-centered, evidence-based occupational therapy plan to address limitations and meet the desired needs for improved participation in activities of daily living (ADLs).
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