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Letters to the Editor

Health Policy Perspectives

Coordination among states to identify barriers to and opportunities for occupational therapy practitioners’ recognition as QMHPs and QBHPs is essential to address the projected shortage of mental health service providers.

Research Articles

Researchers found a correlation between caregivers’ limiting the distance traveled during vehicular transportation and behavioral safety issues, leading to concerns that caregivers may not be fully accessing the community and engaging in leisure pursuits.

Findings indicate that patients with a lower level of consciousness had later onset of occupational therapy, suggesting an opportunity for NCCU occupational therapists to collaborate with physicians in the modification of sedation protocols.

Using the ICF to understand care partners’ problems after a sudden-onset condition may provide crucial insight needed to develop effective self-management interventions for care partners in the future.

Spontaneous physical activity by premature infants stretching against the resistance of “pod” garments was found to decrease bone loss and LOS.

Carefully designed and structured simulated everyday cognitive tasks can be used as a training agent to improve both cognitive skills and objective cognitive–functional performance for older adults with mild cognitive impairment.

The Swedish version of the LGO, with its structured training of time-management skills, contributes to occupational therapy practice with an intervention that clients experience as bringing meaningful and positive changes to daily life functioning.

Low strength of evidence was found for the use of occupational therapy interventions to improve the driving performance of older people with MCI or early-stage dementia; development of evidence and guidelines in this area is critical.

Structured occupational reflection can enhance the recovery of adults living with SMI in inpatient psychiatry units.

The authors describe the development of a cultural adaptation of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) for Spanish-speaking populations.

Occupational therapy practitioners serving rural homebound older adults should consider providing interventions to address loneliness and facilitate activity engagement.

Maternal wellness and breastfeeding is an emerging area of practice in which occupational therapy practitioners can provide new mothers with supports that help them maintain self-efficacy related to breastfeeding and other meaningful occupations.

Because sleep issues have a considerable impact on family life, occupational therapy support is important young adults with ASD and their families.

Columns: Brief Report

Occupational therapy has a role in facilitating college students' return to occupational performance during concussion recovery.

A toileting intervention using an automated bidet is feasible and acceptable for caregivers of older adults and can reduce the amount of physical assistance required from caregivers.

Columns: The Issue Is . . .

The authors articulate the distinct value of occupational therapy in supporting state and federal policy focused on caregiving and aging in place.

Departments: Evidence Connection

The author describes evidence-based evaluation and intervention strategies for a child receiving early intervention services for ADL performance.

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