Date Presented 03/22/24

A study exploring knowledge, perception, and practice patterns indicated most OTP’s working with adults are not routinely addressing interoception awareness in practice. Yet, OTPs perceived intervention was effective treatment (63%).

Primary Author and Speaker: Irma Jeanette Pereira-Hudson

Additional Authors and Speakers: Vera Gallagher, Jamie Provisor

Contributing Authors: Victor M Camacho, Catherine Tsang-Wu, Heidi Robertson

PURPOSE: Interoception is a sensory function listed under client factors defined as the internal detection of changes in one’s internal organs through specific sensory receptors (AOTA, 2020). Difficulties with interoception awareness could impact various skills (Quadt et al., 2018). This research study aims to collect data on occupational therapy practitioner’s (OTPs) knowledge and practice patterns to address interoceptive awareness in adult clients.

DESIGN: A mixed-method study was completed using an online survey and focus groups. This poster will report survey results.

METHOD: Fifty-two participants agreed to participate in the study, with 70% completing the survey consisting of multiple choice and open-ended questions to determine their knowledge and practice patterns addressing interoception. An additional link was also provided to participate in an online focus group lasting 60-90 minutes.

RESULTS: Survey results identified that 70.59% of participants stated they are familiar with interoception, while 19.44% stated they integrate interoception interventions into practice. Participants (38.89%) reported they occasionally use interoception interventions. OTPs reported use of methods that included relaxation and mindfulness (21.59%), self-reflection (19%), pelvic floor muscle training(15.91%), and yoga (11.36%). Survey participants (63.9%) perceived treatment being effective.

CONCLUSION: Results of this study identified that further education would better support OTPs methods to provide assessment and intervention to address interoception in the adult client. Further research warrants investigation on the outcomes of interoceptive awareness to understand benefits of the impact on quality of life, overall well-being, self-efficacy, and ultimately occupational engagement.


American Occupational Therapy Association. (2020). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process (4th ed). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74, (Supplement_2), 7412410010p1–7412410010p87. doi:

Quadt, L.,Critchley, H.D., & Garfinkel, S.N. (2018). The neurobiology of interoception in health and disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Special Issue: Health Neuroscience. 112–128.