Date Presented 03/22/24

A survey of recommendations to support participation for LGBT+ autistic adults indicates the need to hire and promote LGBT+ autistic people, create sensory-friendly spaces, streamline accommodations, and require training for mental health providers.

Primary Author and Speaker: Elizabeth Schmidt

Additional Authors and Speakers: Jess Marie Cecília Bauza De Garcia

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine recommendations for community inclusivity for LGBT+ autistic adults, which is necessary to address social isolation, under- or unemployment, and barriers to education.

DESIGN: This study utilized an exploratory research design with 107 LGBT+ autistic adults in the U.S.

METHOD: A survey was developed from a qualitative study and included questions on demographics, community participation, and identity development. Recruitment materials were shared on social media and organizations specific to LGBT+ autistic people. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

RESULTS: Participants were primarily 20-29 years, white, nonbinary, and queer. Participants recommended hosting events in sensory-friendly spaces (61%) with signs and badges indicating a safe zone (53%). Participants reported virtual interviews (41%), limited bright lighting (53%), and written instructions (61%) were most important for job accessibility. Participants indicated having LGBT+ autistic coworkers (53%) and seeing them in positions of power (53%) enhanced workplace safety. Most important to the community was flexibility at school (59%) and anti-discrimination policies (69%). LGBT+ autistic adults reported alternative attendance (61%) and flexible funding options (64%) and access to neurodivergent- (71%), queer-affirming providers (61%) were needed for improved mental healthcare. Participants emphasized the importance of embracing their identities socially (62.6%) and increased representation (58%) on positive identity development.

CONCLUSION: Administrators and educators should hire and promote LGBT+ autistic people, develop sensory-friendly and welcoming spaces, and streamline accommodations. Healthcare providers should undergo queer- and neurodivergent-affirming training.

IMPACT STATEMENT: The recommendations are critical to creating inclusive and accessible participation for autistic LGBT+ adults.


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