Date Presented 04/20/2023
This study addressed the relevancy and usability of a virtual simulation training system for adolescents with acquired brain injuries during interviews with adolescents, caregivers, and clinicians. Modifications and application will be discussed.
Primary Author and Speaker: Sarah E. Anderson
Additional Authors and Speakers: Sarah Pierce, Taylor Stamper, Amy Darragh
Contributing Authors: Jennifer P. Lundine
Adolescents with acquired brain injury (ABI) are at an increased risk for additional injuries and other negative outcomes. This study identified adaptations to improve the relevancy and usability of an existing home safety virtual simulation training system, the HH-VSTS, for adolescents. The study used a mixed-methods, participatory approach. 3 stakeholder groups participated in interviews: adolescents with ABI, their caregivers, and clinicians who work with them. Participants completed surveys on demographics, home hazards, and HH-VSTS usability. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in-person or via Zoom. Interviews were 1-1.5 hours long and included discussion and demonstration of the HH-VSTS via video and live-play. Data analysis includes content analysis of transcribed interviews using analyst triangulation to achieve consensus. Survey data are analyzed with descriptive statistics. Preliminary data indicates that clinicians are somewhat comfortable with new technologies and using technologies during treatment. Adolescents, ranging in age from 13-17, reported being very comfortable using new technologies. Participants responded positively to the HH-VSTS, and identified a wide variety of modifications (e.g., gamification, visual improvements) to improve usability and usefulness. This study investigates the usefulness, usability, and desirability of the HH-VSTS for adolescents with ABI. Preliminary results indicate participants liked the program, but significant improvements could be made. These findings contribute to the long-term objective of this study: to increase the home safety of adolescents with ABI by improving their ability to identify and respond to common household hazards using a virtual simulation training system. Directions for future research will be discussed. This project was funded by the Center for Injury Research and Policy, via the Centers for Disease Control Grant # 5 R49CE003074-02-00.
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