Date Presented 03/31/2022
The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and types of injuries that occur while working in a brewery setting and their effect on occupations. This evidence should drive future research in the brewery setting, including injury prevention; ergonomic training in the workplace, including work hardening and conditioning; and the development and implementation of assessments to be used specifically in this setting to both prevent and assess injuries.
Primary Author and Speaker: Nicole L. Lavery
Contributing Authors: Shane Chapman, Ben Deck, Rachel Hansrote, Hannah Hites, Shanda Howell, Christopher Keane
The purpose of this research is to investigate the types and prevalence of injury occurring in the brewing industry, and the impact those injuries have on occupations at home and at work. There is currently a gap in general research surrounding the brewing industry, and a lack of an investigation into ergonomics and injury impact on occupation and occupational performance. Data was collected via an email survey consisting of 44 questions and distributed to breweries across the United States. Breweries producing six million or more barrels per year were not considered for this research. The survey was designed to focus specifically on employees directly involved in the brewing process and the associated tasks, as they represent manual labor within this injury. Additionally, those that had been injured within six months prior to brewery employment were not considered in this data set. A mixed-method design was employed for this study because both qualitative and quantitative were collected for analysis. A total of 191 completed surveys from 43 states were included in this statistical analysis. The top reported types of injuries occurring in breweries include muscular injuries, bruises, cuts, and burns. The top reported methods in which brewery workers are sustaining these injuries include lifting, twisting, bending, and repetitive motion. A Pearson correlation value indicated a statistically significant (p < 0.05) relationship and showed a moderately strong positive correlation (r = 0.539) between the number of injuries and the number of occupational deficits. Occupational deficits were categorized by home life and work-life deficits. The top areas of home life affected include leisure, rest and sleep, dressing, functional mobility, and bathing/showering. The top areas of work-life affected include performing job requirements and initiating, sustaining, and completing work tasks. A Chi-Square Test demonstrated a statistically significant (p < 0 .05) relationship exists between experiencing a work injury and an occupational deficit following a work-related injury. It was found that there is a greater occupational deficit rate in the work-related injury group when compared to the no work-related injury group (73.2%). Cramer’s V-square measure of association was calculated and indicated an effect size of 0.609, supporting a moderately strong positive relationship between work-related injuries and occupational deficits. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and different types of injuries that occur while working in the brewing industry, and if those injuries impacted occupational performance. The research supported that as the number of injuries experienced increased, the number of occupational deficits increased. The findings supported that injury directly impacts occupational engagement both in the work and home settings. The results indicate a need for interventions focused on injury prevention within the brewery setting, including safety training, ergonomic training, work hardening, and conditioning, but further research is warranted. Future research should be conducted to help establish assessment methods to prevent or identify injuries through task analysis of brewery worker job responsibility.
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