Date Presented 04/22/2023
This poster will introduce the use of video modeling versus static picture schedules as an intervention for supporting participation in daily living skills for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Primary Author and Speaker: Alivia Cartwright
Additional Authors and Speakers: Jeryl D. Benson, Deborah Smitsky
Contributing Authors: Kimberly Szucs
Static picture schedules (SP) help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) perform daily living skills. Video modeling (VM) prompts are being used more frequently for this population. It is not known whether one tool is more beneficial for children with ASD, therefore the aim of this study is to examine the effects of VM and SP prompts on the acquisition of daily living skills in this population. This study used an experimental alternating treatment design (ATD). Participants included 12 children (9 males & 3 females) between the ages of 8 and 17 years with a diagnosis of ASD. Data were collected on daily living skills occurring during the school day for two months including BADLs (e.g.washing hands, brushing teeth) and IADL’s (e.g.folding clothes, washing dishes). Each task was broken down into 6-8 steps. The OT used either SP or VM to support the task based on a randomization schedule. Type (gestural, verbal, physical, etc.) and frequency of prompts required to complete each step of the task were observed and documented by the OT for each participant. Means for steps completed independently and with cues were calculated for baseline, VM and SP conditions. Visual analysis using graphs was completed for change in level of independence across conditions and number of cues required across condition. Data indicate that both tools (SP, VM) resulted in improved performance of skills for most participants. 11/12 participants showed a decrease in the total number of required cues to complete the task, and 11/12 participants showed an increase in independence to complete the task compared to their baseline performance. The factors that influenced the benefits of VM vs SP prompts has yet to be determined. The improvements resulting from VM vs SP may be due to variability in the characteristics of ASD. Within clinical practice it is effective to use both VM and SP prompts for children with ASD, and the OT should use practice skills and judgement to choose the best tool for their client.
Abd Aziz, N., Kadar, M., Harun, D., and Rasdi, H.F.M. (2021) Implementation of video modeling in the occupational therapy intervention process for children and adolescents with special needs: A scoping review, Occupational Therapy in Healthcare, https://doi.org/10.1080/07380577.2021.1876967
Kellems, R.O., Frandsen, K., Cardon, T.A., Knight, K., & Anderson, M. (2018) Effectiveness of static pictures vs. video prompting for teaching functional life skills to students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Preventing School Failure, 62 (2), 129–139 https://doi.org/10.1080/1045988X.2017.1393790
Thomas, E.M., DeBar, R.M, Vladescu, J.C., & Townsend, D.B. (2020) A comparison of video modeling and video prompting by adolescents with ASD, Behavior Analysis in Practice, 13, 40–52 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-019-00402-0