This letter is in reference to the article by Parry et al. (2024) titled “The Hand Accumulation aNd Dexterity FUnctional Limits–Shriners (HANDFULS): A New Clinically Feasible Measure of Hand Volume and In-Hand Manipulation for Children.” The HANDFULS is an intriguing method for evaluating hand function in children and teenagers. By concentrating on hand manipulation and palmar workspace volume, two typical hand issues, a substantial gap in the evaluation of children’s hands is filled. Parry et al.’s preliminary findings with respect to face validity and test–retest reliability are noteworthy, but their assertion that the HANDFULS is valid and reliable would be strengthened by a more in-depth analysis of the HANDFULS’ specificity and sensitivity in comparison with other standardized measures of hand function evaluation. Moreover, considering the variety of common hand tasks that children come across, the ecological validity of this instrument is called into question by the practicality of using a...

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