Occupational therapy practitioners are uniquely qualified and positioned to offer both preventive and rehabilitative models of care. However, the status quo of current reimbursement models has created a barrier to occupational therapy practitioners receiving adequate reimbursement, if any, for doing health promotion and lifestyle-focused work. In this Health Policy Perspectives article, we emphasize the need for reimbursement and propose pathways for new and perhaps untapped or underutilized models of reimbursement for occupational therapy practitioners. These pathways require education and advocacy efforts to showcase our distinct value as key reimbursable and interdisciplinary players in lifestyle medicine and health promotion work.
AOTA Taxonomy:
across the lifespan,
cardiopulmonary topics,
coding and billing,
education and training,
endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic topics,
evidence-based practice/knowledge translation,
health management,
home and community settings,
intervention approaches,
long-term care,
mental and behavioral health settings,
mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental topics,
OT/OTA well-being,
outpatient clinics,
prevention, health and wellness,
quality and value-based care,
scope of practice
Copyright © 2023 by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
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