Date Presented Accepted for AOTA INSPIRE 2021 but unable to be presented due to online event limitations.
This paper explores the everyday practices of scooter users as they construct and manage their identities. The qualitative semistructured interviews with 22 scooter users revealed the following themes: (1) being invisible, (2) from invisibility to hypervisibility, and (3) changing self-image (facing disability and invisibility). The study highlights scooter users’ ambivalent status and the literal and metaphorical ways in which their social and physical visibility and invisibility are manifested.
Primary Author and Speaker: W. Ben Mortenson
Contributing Authors: Alfiya Battalova, Laura Hurd, Lee Kirby, Sandra Hobson, and Richelle Emery
Copyright © 2021 by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
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