Importance: In Chinese-speaking societies, a reliable and valid measure is needed to enable early identification of young children’s challenges in sensory processing.
Objective: To examine the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile (ITSP–C) when used with Taiwanese children.
Design: Prospective study.
Setting: Multiple settings.
Participants: Participants were 367 typically developing (TD) infants ages 0–6 mo (mean [M] age = 3.44 mo, standard deviation [SD] = 1.82) and 677 toddlers ages 7–36 mo (M age = 22.33 mo, SD = 8.15), along with 42 toddlers with developmental disabilities (DD; M age = 28.4 mo, SD = 6.7).
Outcomes and Measures: The ITSP, a caregiver questionnaire that measures how children respond to sensory events in daily life, was translated and cross-culturally adapted into a Chinese version (ITSP–C).
Results: Internal consistency was high for the 0–6 mo subscale (α = .80) and the 7–36 mo subscale (α = .82). Test–retest reliability was excellent for the 7–36 mo subscale (intraclass correlation coefficient = .94). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the ITSP–C discriminated between children with DD and TD children.
Conclusions and Relevance: The ITSP was successfully adapted to Chinese with similar reliability and validity to the original ITSP. The 7–36 mo subscale had a higher level of reliability than the 0–6 mo subscale, and quadrant scores were more reliable than section scores. Moreover, the ITSP–C discriminated children with DD from TD children on the basis of their sensory processing patterns.
What This Article Adds: The ITSP–C has sound psychometric properties and support for its use in early identification of sensory processing difficulties in young Chinese-speaking children.