OBJECTIVE. Relatively few men are occupational therapy practitioners in the United States. Little research has examined issues germane to men working in the profession. The objective of this study was to investigate perceptions, issues, and factors surrounding male occupational therapy practitioners.

METHOD. A survey link was emailed to 9,467 licensed occupational therapy practitioners in Ohio; 699 participants responded, yielding a response rate of 7.66%.

RESULTS. Male and female participants provided both similar and significantly different responses to the survey questions. Differences generally involved responses to questions on personal finances and client education. Themes were identified from the open-ended questions regarding gender stereotypes.

CONCLUSION. Although male and female practitioners differed in opinion on several issues and perceptions related to the profession, in general they were happy with their career choice. Specifically, participants expressed that they enjoyed their job, contributed to society, and had a sense of job security, regardless of gender.

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