OBJECTIVE. The relationship between sensory processing factors and the sleep habits and patterns of typically developing children ages 8–12 yr was investigated.
METHOD. Forty-five typically developing children and their parents or caregivers took part. Parents completed the Sensory Processing Measure–Home Form, Children’s Sleep Hygiene Scale, and Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire, and the children completed the Children’s Report of Sleep Patterns. Spearman ρ correlation and linear regression analyses were completed with the children’s sleep habits and patterns as the dependent variables and the sensory processing factors as the independent variables.
RESULTS. Sensory processing factors were significantly associated with the children’s sleep habits and patterns, as reported by parents and children. Predictive relationships were established between the children’s sensory processing factors and sleep habits and patterns.
CONCLUSION. Occupational therapy practitioners should consider sensory processing factors when working with children who present with suspected sleep problems.