OBJECTIVE. This systematic review addresses the effectiveness of occupational therapy–related interventions for adults with fibromyalgia.
METHOD. We examined the literature published between January 2000 and June 2014. A total of 322 abstracts from five databases were reviewed. Forty-two Level I studies met the inclusion criteria. Studies were evaluated primarily with regard to the following outcomes: daily activities, pain, depressive symptoms, fatigue, and sleep.
RESULTS. Strong evidence was found for interventions categorized for this review as cognitive–behavioral interventions; relaxation and stress management; emotional disclosure; physical activity; and multidisciplinary interventions for improving daily living, pain, depressive symptoms, and fatigue. There was limited to no evidence for self-management, and few interventions resulted in better sleep.
CONCLUSION. Although the evidence supports interventions within the scope of occupational therapy practice for people with fibromyalgia, few interventions were occupation based.