The business of the 39th spring meeting of the Representative Assembly is presented here in summary. A complete copy of the official minutes can be obtained from the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) website at∼/media/Corporate/Files/Secure/Governance/RA/Minutes/April-2016-RA-Meeting-Minutes.pdf?la=en or from the AOTA National Office.
The Representative Assembly met on Thursday, April 7, 2016, in Chicago. The Assembly passed substitute motions for two motions that were initiated by AOTA members. The first motion charges the Commission on Practice to investigate professional policy and practice issues related to telehealth and occupational therapy in conjunction with content experts and AOTA staff to make recommendations to the Assembly for the spring 2017 meeting.
The second motion charges the Speaker, with recommendations from the Board, to establish an ad hoc committee to
Recruitment for candidates for the SWM ad hoc will be done in the near future by the Volunteer Leadership Development Committee.
In addition, several motions...