The Functional Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (FLOTCA) was developed to assess integrative higher cognitive abilities in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The FLOTCA measures performance on three tasks: navigating on a map, organizing a toolbox, and planning a daily schedule. This study assessed the psychometric properties of the FLOTCA with a sample of 25 participants with TBI ages 18–49 and 25 matched healthy participants. The FLOTCA showed high interrater reliability (intraclass correlation = .996) and internal consistency reliability for the total score (α = .82). Construct validity was supported for the total score, t (48) = −5.48, d = 1.52, and the separate tasks. Moderate ecological validity was obtained with the combined FIM™ and Functional Assessment Measure, r (19) = .44, p < .05. The results indicate that the FLOTCA can be used to assess higher cognitive abilities in functioning and can serve as the basis for intervention planning.

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