The business of the 37th spring meeting of the Representative Assembly (RA) is presented here in summary. A complete copy of the official minutes can be obtained from your election area Representative, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) website under Get Involved/Governance, or the AOTA National Office.
The spring RA meeting was held online March 14–28, 2014. After the initial roll call and approval of the Rules of the Day, RA members met in five online task groups to discuss the motions and documents that had been submitted and bring recommendations forward to the Assembly. The following are the results of the Assembly votes:
The following motions were defeated:
In addition to planning and running the online meeting, the RALC hosted a leadership training seminar for Assembly members at the AOTA Annual Conference & Expo in Baltimore and presented a session, “Impact AOTA Policy: Take a Notion and Make It...