OBJECTIVE. This article describes the development, reliability, and validity of My Child’s Play (MCP), a parent questionnaire designed to evaluate the play of children ages 3–9 yr.
METHOD. The first phase of the study determined the questionnaire’s content and face validity. Subsequently, the internal reliability consistency and construct and concurrent validity were demonstrated using 334 completed questionnaires.
RESULTS. The MCP showed good internal consistency (α = .86). The factor analysis revealed four distinct factors with acceptable levels of internal reliability (Cronbach’s αs = .63–.81) and gender- and age-related differences in play characteristics; both findings attest to the tool’s construct validity. Significant correlations (r = .33, p < .0001) with the Parent as a Teacher Inventory demonstrate the MCP’s concurrent validity.
CONCLUSION. The MCP demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity. It appears to be a promising standardized assessment tool for use in research and practice to promote understanding of a child’s play.