This study examined reliability of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile–Screener (HELP–Screener), a 15-item self-report questionnaire serving as an initial screening of lifestyle behaviors for older adults. The internal consistency of HELP–Screener was analyzed using data derived from a sample of 483 older adults. The resultant Cronbach’s α coefficient of .74 indicated an acceptable level of internal consistency. The test–retest reliability study with 90 participants yielded an intraclass correlation coefficient of .93, indicating a high degree of temporal stability of the instrument at the scale level. Moreover, good to excellent degrees of agreement found through the κ statistic (ks = .76–.96) and percentage of agreement (96%–99%) between the test and retest scores of each item further supported HELP–Screener’s test–retest reliability at the item level. Future studies should determine other aspects of psychometric properties and clinical suitability of this new instrument.

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