The use of driving simulators is increasing in clinical settings that provide driving evaluation and rehabilitation. To identify the driving simulator scenarios desired by certified driver rehabilitation specialists (CDRSs), we developed a questionnaire consisting of 22 driving scenario situations. A total of 164 CDRSs rated each situation in terms of its importance for inclusion in simulator-based driving. The four situations they identified as most critical were turning left across oncoming traffic, navigating four-way intersections with traffic lights or signs, driving in multiple lanes with traffic on both sides, and reacting to unexpected events that require emergency braking or aggressive maneuvers to prevent an accident. We conducted exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to group the 22 driving scenario situations. The model with the best fit included 11 situations forming three factors: (1) Intersections, (2) Roadway and Traffic Conditions, and (3) Environmental Conditions. Future studies should include these factors in driving simulator scenarios and evaluate their clinical efficacy in driving evaluation and rehabilitation.

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