Note to readers: This column debuts a new series on health policy and its effects on occupational therapy. The American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA’s) objective is to ensure that the Centennial Vision’s goal of occupational therapy as “powerful, widely recognized, science-based, and evidence-driven profession” is brought to fruition as health care reform and related changes are implemented. Opportunities may exist to expand occupational therapy practice and recognition, but challenges may arise from extensive cost cutting, reductions in workforce, or changes in provider qualifications. We encourage questions and feedback as well as seek authors and ideas for future topics. E-mail [email protected].
The roots of modern health insurance can be traced to 1929, when Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas, began a prepaid health program with a local teaching union to begin what is thought to be the first example of modern health insurance (Goodridge & Arnquist, 2011). Since that...