OBJECTIVE. We assessed the efficacy and clinical utility of a new occupational time-use intervention, Action Over Inertia, designed to improve occupational balance and engagement among community-dwelling people with serious mental illness.
METHOD. Using a randomized controlled design, we assigned 24 participants to an intervention group or standard care group. Participants were community-dwelling people with serious mental illness receiving assertive community treatment services. Data on time use, occupational balance, and engagement were collected and compared at baseline and 12-wk posttest.
RESULTS. Eighteen participants completed the pilot study. Treatment group participants increased their occupational balance by spending an average of 47 min more per day in activity than the control group (p = .05). Differences in occupational engagement were not shown, but evidence of clinical utility was found.
CONCLUSION. This pilot study of Action Over Inertia has shown evidence of efficacy and clinical utility.