In her tribute to Gary Kielhofner, Florence Clark, president of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), stated that “professions are made and sustained by leaders, but I believe among all such visionaries, only a handful obtains the very highest stature. Gary did.” (Clark, 2010). Undeniably, Gary Kielhofner was one of the most influential and multifaceted occupational therapy scholars of the past 30 years. His contributions to occupational therapy are remarkable in scope and depth. Dr. Kielhofner also was a passionate and devoted mentor to and collaborator with countless colleagues, students, and therapists. Dr. Kielhofner, or Gary, as he would quickly invite any new student or colleague to call him, influenced the thinking of current and future occupational therapy practitioners around the globe through his mentorship and passion for the profession.
It is difficult not only to summarize Gary’s immeasurable contributions to the field but more so to convey...