OBJECTIVE. This study was a retrospective chart analysis spanning 5 yr that investigated associations between occupational therapy interventions and goal-based positive outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and related disorders at discharge in an urban inpatient rehabilitation setting.
METHOD. Using descriptive statistics, we examined demographic characteristics in the first analysis phase. In the second phase, we performed a series of correlational analyses to identify treatment variables associated with positive outcomes.
RESULTS. Generally, patients improved in their FIM™ scores at discharge. Increasing occupational therapy intensity had a positive effect on functional performance in all categories except feeding, with significant correlations in upper-extremity dressing (r = .153, p < .05) and memory (r = .204, p < .01).
CONCLUSION. Occupational therapy was associated with positive functional outcomes for patients with MS. Future treatment protocols should include cognitive skills training, community reintegration, and self-care, because these treatments were found to be significantly correlated with positive changes in FIM scores.