OBJECTIVE. We examined the internal consistency and construct validity of the Children’s Leisure Assessment Scale (CLASS), which measures multidimensional participation in children’s and adolescents’ leisure activities.

METHOD. The questionnaire’s content and face validity were first established, followed by a factor analysis of the CLASS’s frequency domain of the responses of 249 children and adolescents. Internal consistency was evaluated for each of the factors, and construct validity was established by examining gender differences.

RESULTS. The factors showed acceptable levels of internal reliability (Cronbach’s α ranged from .57 to .83). We found that girls participated in significantly more self-enrichment activities and instrumental indoor activities, with greater preference. However, boys participated in significantly more games and sports activities.

CONCLUSION. The CLASS shows good internal reliability and may be useful in the future as a clinical and research tool in occupational therapy for evaluating leisure activities among typically developing children and adolescents.

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