OBJECTIVE. To explore people's lived experiences of reengagement in meaningful occupations during the hospital-to-home transition phase after acquired brain injury (ABI).

METHOD. Participants included 20 people with ABI and 18 family caregivers. On the basis of a phenomenological approach, data collection entailed in-depth semistructured interviews at predischarge and 1 and 3 months postdischarge. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts involved open, axial, and selective coding techniques.

RESULTS. Two primary themes emerged from the analysis: desired versus actual participation and struggle for independence. Theme 1 depicts the key occupations of importance to people and their caregivers during transition and explores desired and actual participation in occupations. Theme 2 highlights the struggle to regain independence and the differing perspectives of the 2 participant groups concerning this process.

CONCLUSION. Clinical practice implications relate to client-centered goal setting, contexts and environments in which therapy occurs, and provision of information to patients and families.

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