OBJECTIVE. We sought to determine the agreement between rating of awareness based on scores on the Driving Awareness Questionnaire (DriveAware) and global judgments of awareness awarded after on-road assessment, thereby establishing the possibility of measuring drivers’ awareness.

METHOD. A prospective cohort study of 60 senior drivers with neurological conditions who were referred for driving assessment. Awareness was rated as intact, partial, or absent on the basis of the discrepancy score between participants’ and clinicians’ responses to DriveAware. A second clinician (masked to these results) rated awareness on the same scale at the completion of the on-road assessment. Agreement of categorical ratings was adjusted for chance using the kappa statistic.

RESULTS. Results yielded a kappa of .69 (SE = .08), indicating agreement substantially beyond chance.

CONCLUSION. Results indicate that awareness of driving ability may be measured with substantial accuracy using DriveAware in senior drivers with neurological impairments. The psychometric properties of DriveAware require further research.

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