This study investigated the outcomes of a yearlong formal curriculum-mentoring project sponsored by the American Occupational Therapy Foundation. Five occupational therapy faculty groups were selected through a competitive application process and paired with mentors to assist in curriculum change. The experiences of each of the teams were studied using multiple methods of data collection, including semistructured interviews conducted in person and via telephone, a mailed questionnaire, and bimonthly electronic journal entries. The process and outcomes of two representative cases are reported in this qualitative, critical case study analysis. Overall, the faculty groups in each of the two teams seemed to benefit from mentoring in differing degrees as a result of their participation in this curriculum mentoring project. An important finding was that a well-focused mentoring plan with clearly outlined expectations needs to be established at the onset of any formal mentoring project. Additionally, a systematic, strategic plan agreed on by both mentors and participants, with a clear outline of responsibilities, will enhance the outcomes of a mentoring relationship.