OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to describe functional performance in activities of daily living (ADL) and the use of technical aids among persons with late effects of polio.

METHOD. Abilities in ADL of 150 participants 20 to 82 years of age were assessed with the Sunnaas Index of ADL, and the participants’ use of technical aids was recorded.

RESULTS. The activities in which most participants were independent were eating, daily hygiene, and communication. Many needed technical aids, adaptation of their homes, or both to perform mobility-related activities and to dress or undress, take a bath or shower, cook, or manage toilet visits. In total, 86 (57%) used mobility aids such as canes, crutches, and walkers. Thirty-one (21%) used wheelchairs within or outside the home. Bath and shower aids were the most commonly used technical aids other than mobility aids. The activity where most participants depended on others was housework.

CONCLUSION. In spite of their disabilities, most participants performed well in many ADL, functioning independently by using technical aids and by living in an adapted environment.

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