Objectives. The purposes of this study were (a) to describe how neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) is currently being provided by occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech–language therapists (e.g., setting, duration, frequency, techniques used), (b) to determine which populations are viewed by clinicians as most responsive to NDT intervention, and (c) to examine clinicians’ attitudes and beliefs regarding NDT philosophy, role delineation, and provision of NDT service.

Method. A sample of 431 members of the NeuroDevelopmental Treatment Association, Inc. responded to a questionnaire examining current practice in NDT.

Results. Respondents typically provided NDT once or twice a week with an emphasis on qualitative movement and functional performance. Persons with mild to moderate levels of motor dysfunction were viewed as responding best to NDT. Therapists reported using an eclectic approach that combines NDT with other treatment approaches. The three disciplines reported using different types of NDT handling techniques to accomplish discipline-specific goals. There was a strong belief that NDT is a total management program that considers the client’s functioning in many settings and that families should be involved in the client’s therapy program.

Conclusion. There was wide consensus that the theoretical tenets underlying NDT need revision to consider current theoretical thinking and practice.

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