Objective. The Minimum Data Set for Nursing Home Resident Assessment and Care Screening was used to compare staff-report and self-report of residents’ capabilities in eight activities of daily living (ADLs) in one long-term-care facility (LTCF).

Method. The relative values residents placed on independence in each of the eight ADLs were compared with their self-reported capabilities in those ADLs. Subjects were 30 LTCF residents ranging in age from 45 to 96 years.

Results. Residents perceived themselves to be significantly more capable than did staff members for dressing (p < .05), toileting (p < .01), locomotion (p < .05), and personal hygiene (p < .001). For five of the ADLs, residents tended to report high capability in the ADLs they valued most.

Conclusion. These findings support the need to include resident self-assessment in treatment planning, because staff members’ and residents’ perceptions of ADL capabilities may differ.

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