Objective. This study examined the effect of classical music and favorite music on the repetitive disruptive vocalizations of long-term-care facility (LTCF) residents with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (DAT).

Method. Three subjects diagnosed with DAT who had a history of repetitive disruptive vocalizations were selected for the study. Three single-subject withdrawal designs (ABA, ACA, and ABCA) were used to assess subjects’ repetitive disruptive vocalizations during each phase: no intervention (A); relaxing, classical music (B); and favorite music (C).

Results. Classical music and favorite music significantly decreased the number of vocalizations in two of the three subjects (p < .05).

Conclusion. These findings support a method that was effective in decreasing the disruptive vocalization pattern common in those with DAT in the least restrictive manner, as mandated by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987.

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