The Test of Orientation for Rehabilitation Patients (TORP) (Deitz, Beeman, & Thorn, in press) was developed for use with patients with brain injuries in inpatient rehabilitation settings. It was designed to assess orientation to person and personal situation, place, time, schedule, and temporal continuity. Interrater reliability for the TORP was examined with the use of 34 brain-injured and 35 non-brain-injured patients. Two occupational therapists trained in administering the TORP, as specified in the test manual (Dietz et al., in press), served as the examiners. One therapist administered and scored the test while the second therapist observed and scored the test for the same subject. Intraclass correlation coefficients, used as indexes of reliability for the scoring of the total test and subtests, ranged from .89 to 1.00 for the non-brain-injured group and from .94 to .99 for the brain-injured group. These findings suggest that an occupational therapist can reliably score the TORP for patients both with and without brain injuries.

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