This pilot study describes and compares the time use for physical child care of two groups of mothers—those with physically handicapped preschoolers (N = 16) and those with normal preschoolers (N = 21). Each mother completed a questionnaire on the time she spent in three categories of physical child care activities. These activities included feeding, personal care, and transportation for physical care. Investigators collected data on both frequency and duration. They reported descriptive data for all categories separately and combined. The results of the study show that the mothers of the physically handicapped preschoolers spent significantly more time engaged in physical child care activities than did the mothers of normal preschoolers. Results also show a high correlation between frequency and duration data for physical child care. The results strongly suggest that the mothers of physically handicapped preschoolers spend significantly more time in physical child care than do the mothers of normal preschoolers. They also suggest that frequency data alone could be collected in further studies in this area without appreciably reducing the accuracy of the results.