This study was conducted to assess adult female performance on the Southern California Visual Figure-Ground Perception Test (FGP) and to obtain an estimate of the test’s reliability. Data were obtained for two scoring formats. The first format was the score for all items on the test (TOTAL), and the second format was the score through the fifth error (FIRST-FIVE). The mean scores were 38.24 (SD = 3.2) for TOTAL and 29.71 (SD = 10.14) for FIRST-FIVE. For each format, mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, and skewness values are presented (N = 124). Both formats were reliable over time (.90 and .71, respectively), and scores of the even-numbered items correlated moderately with the odd-numbered items, indicating split-half reliability (.70 and .87 for both administrations of the test). Although the sample was representative across the socioeconomic variable, moderate correlations were obtained between the performance scores and the age and education level variables. We concluded that the FGP is a reliable assessment tool for use with adults; however, a subject’s age and education must be considered when interpreting the scores.