The Southern California Sensory Integration Tests have been developed primarily for the evaluation of children with learning disabilities, yet they have potential for the assessment of adult perceptual dysfunction. In this research the Southern California Figure-Ground Visual Perception Test (FGP) was administered to a sample of 100 adult males and validated through correlation with the Embedded Figures Test (EFT). The results of the investigation found a normal distribution of figure-ground scores in addition to a significant correlation with the EFT. The means, standard deviations, and ranges are presented. Further data on relationship of the FGP to age, socioeconomic status, and educational level are presented, as well as a detailed description of the sample. It is concluded that this test is a satisfactory alternative to the EFT in interdisciplinary research by occupational therapists and, as an instrument, it has some important advantages for assessing figure-ground perception in persons with motor impairment or who are under psychotropic medication.