The relationship between language development and sensory integration was explored through single case experimental studies of one female and three male aphasic children ranging in age from 4 years, 0 months to 5 years, 3 months. Other agencies had assessed all the children in the area of language development at least 6 months before the start of occupational therapy. Three of the four children had received either speech therapy, special education specific to aphasia, or both, before starting occupational therapy. Additional baseline data on language expression and comprehension, as well as on sensory integrative functioning, were gathered before beginning a year of occupational therapy that involved sensory integration procedures. Inspection of rate of language growth before and after starting occupational therapy showed a consistent increase in rate of growth in language comprehensive concomitant with occupational therapy compared to previous growth rate. The two children with depressed postrotary nystagmus demonstrated notable gains on expressive language measures.

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